Grant Writing & Fundraising Intern - Boise Vertical Farms (hybrid)
Overview: Boise Vertical Farm is a nonprofit that provides Employment Resources and Community Service hours for people in recovery from drugs and alcohol. We are looking for an intern to help us find funding for our nonprofit. In this internship, you will:
- Research grant & funding opportunities
- Write Grants
- Follow-up on funding opportunities
- Create fundraising activities
- Plan and organize activities
- Creative
- Follow through - A finisher!
- Organized
- Able to Work independently with mentorship
Skills You will Develop
- Successful Grant Writing
- Successful fundraising
For someone who is interested in working in the non-profit sector, grant writing & researching as well as fund raising are key skills. Having experience as an intern in obtaining grants and funding will provide a leg up for employment.
What is Work U?
This position lives within the Work U program at Boise State. You may apply to up to three different Work U opportunities. Work U is a unique internship program that gives you hands-on professional experience, clarity on your career goals, an opportunity to be mentored, focused classroom time, and a chance to build your resume and network – all while gaining three upper-division credits.